


$$0.00 of Surge Fund Repaid (0%)

Total Outstanding BUSD

0 Holders Repaid - 0%

Total Remaining Holders

To check your current SurgeFund details, please enter your BEP-20 Public Wallet Address below


How To Check and Claim

If you lost more than .1 BNB due to the Surge BNB hack, follow the steps below to check and claim your Surge Fund amount in BUSD if available. If you lost less than .1 BNB, you do not have to claim, as you will be airdropped BNB as funds become available.

  1. Add the SurgeFund contract to your wallet:
    • 0x0dC64c73eD08e683BDd80bb6b4F9E617BA7d3798
  2. The amount you see in your wallet is the amount you have available to claim in BUSD.
  3. You can make a claim if the amount is greater than 1.
  4. To claim your current amount, click on the SurgeFund token and click send.
  5. Add your BEP-20 public wallet address as the receipeint and add the max amount of SurgeFund token to send.
  6. Click next and complete the transaction.
  7. Once the transcation is complete, you will be sent your claim amount (in BUSD) from the SurgeFund.

Check out our articles below for details about the SurgeBNB hack or how to claim via our dApp.

Last Updated: 3/1/22

What Happened?

The SurgeFund is XSurge's attempt to pay back the money that was lost in the SurgeBNB hack occurring on August 16th, 2021. Shortly after notifying the community to pull out of the contract due to a security vulnerability, SurgeBNB was exploited for $5M in BNB. The leadership team conducted a thorough investigation to determine the culprit and follow the money trail. Authorities were notified by a legal representative of the XSurge team and outside agencies were were hired to help. Unfortunately, the money could not be tracked and recovered. The team put together a Charitable Donation Fund for everyone who lost the money known as the SurgeFund shortly after.

Technical Breakdown of the Hack that Occurred

SurgeBNB was the only Surge Token that was vulnerable to this exploit. The exploit was from an error in the sell() function, which in the event of a sale would send BNB to a user before updating the total supply. With BNB only, a malicious Smart Contract could send it directly back to Surge, allowing them to purchase at a lower price because of the disparity in the totalSupply. This allowed the attacker to mint Septillions of SBNB Tokens. Other Surge Tokens do not trigger this contract functionality, as such no other surge token is vulnerable to this exploit.

Here is the Transaction hash of one of the exploits, this command was ran over ten times in under 60 seconds: Transaction Hash

Surge Fund V3

SurgeFund V3 has been released and The intent here is to payback using a snowball method since such a high number of hack victims lost less than 1 BNB in Surge when the hack occurred. Calculating the brackets, 83% lost between .0 and 5 BNB.

Paying down these brackets at a faster rate will yield more payoffs and result in faster percentage increases for the higher tier brackets. The lowest Tier (Tier 1: less than .1) BNB will have auto airdrops of tokens to prevent any gas cost or need to claim. Here are the brackets:

  • Tier 1: 0 - .1 (Auto-Airdrop)
  • Tier 2: .1 - 1
  • Tier 3: 1 - 5
  • Tier 4: 5 - 25
  • Tier 5: 25+

Tiers 2-5 will still need to make claims under their specified contract. The allocations of Surgefund tax is split in near equal amounts that are influenced to higher percentage yield based on size. The difference between the tiers that get the most can be as much as 10%. So in essence, if the tier has the most victims, they can receive as much as 10% more than the tiers with the least victims. This is algorithmically coded into the contract to create the snowball affect.

Here are the details for the new Surge Fund V3 token:

  • Network: Smart Chain
  • Contract Address:
    • 0x0dC64c73eD08e683BDd80bb6b4F9E617BA7d3798
  • Name: SurgeFund Token
  • Symbol: SFT
  • Decimals: 18

The percentage a tier receives is hardcoded until complete payback of the highest yield tier, at which time the tier becomes deleted from the list. The percentages then algorithmically reset themselves again in accordance to victim count.

In addition, we've utilized XUSD in its rising value to facilitate payback rather than BNB which is extremely volatile and can slow the rate of payback as it increases in value. The amount each person will receive will be their total dollar value lost in the hack plus 1%. So if you lost $100 in total from the hack, you are owed $101 in total. The contract tracks this value in BUSD so the dollar amount you are owed will remain the same. The payback or claimed currency can be BUSD or XUSD at the claimers discretion. Check the XSurge DApp and select SurgeFund button at the bottom of the screen to toggle between BUSD or XUSD. Upon claiming, the victim will receive BUSD or XUSD, depending on what they chose to receive.

Studies show that the snowball method is the best most efficient way to scale down a debt, so we've adopted this method in an effort to facilitate faster payback. The treasury, governance, and loan services to be integrated will also yield more funding and allow for a higher rate of revenue to the fund as its adopted and used in the space.

How to Claim:

Through the dApp: See SurgeFund Tutorial: How to Claim & Check Your Claim

Through the Contract: visit SurgeFund Page

To see your current claim:

Through the dApp: Go To dApp

Through our website: SurgeFund Page

Last Updated: 2/7/22

Section 1

How It Works

The SurgeFund contract pool of BNB used to pay back the vicims of the Surge BNB hack. The minimum that can be claimed is .002 BNB. The maximum claim is the total that you are owed. This works for both TrustWallet and Metamask users.

Here is how this works. As contributions are made through transactions and donations, the contract will automatically distribute claims to the victims in the form of SurgeFund Tokens. The victims can then claim these tokens in the form of BNB by simply routing the tokens to their own BEP20 receive address. As you receive tokens, your amount owed goes down, and so too does the total debt.

These claims stack. Since you are receiving constant tokens through contributions, there are no percentages of a sum total in a pool. You may wait as long as you like to claim and the rewards will only keep piling up over time.

The claims are split in proportion to what you are owed. Every contribution to the fund is split between holders. This means that is you lost the most, you have the most claim, if you lost the least, you have the least claim. If you are owed 10% of the total debt, you receive 10% of every contribution.

The minimum claim has increased. The minimum claim has gone up to prevent claims costing higher gas. The increase is now .002. Originally, it was .00005. This should stop holders from paying higher gas cost than the claims they receive.

There is no time restraint. The last fund was every 24 hours, and a victim may claim from the pool. Upon claiming, they must wait until the claims reset. Now, if you have rewards, you may always feel free to claim them whenever you like.

Section 2: Making Claims

Step 1: Connect your wallet to the dapp

We'll start by accessing the dApp and connecting our wallet to initiate a claim:

  1. Go to XSurge dApp
  2. Once loaded, Click the Connect Wallet icon at the top right. This app can be used from a PC or a phone.
    • Android Users - Connect via the dApps Browser built in to their wallet app.
    • iOS Users - Use an external browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to access and use the dApp
  3. Both methods of connecting are below

Connecting to the dapp

using pc
Xtrader Main dApp
Xtrader Main dApp Wallet Connect

A QR Code will appear as depicted below. You'll scan this with your phone in a moment. For now, leave it up and go to your Trust Wallet on your phone.

Xtrader Main dApp Wallet Connect QR

As shown below, from the homescreen on your wallet app:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select WalletConnect
  3. Enable Permissions (if prompted)
Xtrader Main dApp Wallet Connect Permissions

You should now be connected through the PC

Connecting to the dapp

using andriod/ios devices

Review the Picture Below. To start, go to the dApp and click Connect Wallet:

Disclaimer: Accessing and connecting to the dApp on Android and iOS devices is slightly different between the two. YOU MUST abide by these steps for connection to work:

For iOS users, you will need to use your phones external browser.

Android Users must use dApps Browser to connect through their Wallet App.

The steps are the same for both, however, there is an extra step for connecting through dApps browsers (Android User Only) that will be included in this tutorial. iOS Users can ignore this step of selecting the SmartChain Network.

Xtrader Main dApp Mobile

Step 2: check your claim using xtrader

Now that we're connected, you can make your first claim. On the XTrader Homescreen, you'll see various features for buying, selling, and datatracking your assets.

On the bottom of the screen, you'll see the SurgeFund Button pictured below. Click this button.

Xtrader Main dApp Monitor Page

A description should appear along with a claim button (Pictured Below). The amount shown in the claim button is your current claim in BNB that you are currently entitled to.

You need to verify this amount. If your claim is extremely low and the gas cost for a claim transaction would be higher than your current claim, then wait. Claiming now would not be worth it. As described in Section 1, your claim will increase over time, just wait until the claim increases before making another attempt.

Xtrader Main dApp Surge Fund Popup

In addition to the XTrader, we have other ways of verifying claims as well. In our Discord we have the absolute best tools for doing so. You can join our discord at this link: XSurge Official Discord

In our Discord, under "Community Tools & Resources" locate and click or press on the profile pic of the SurgeFund Tracker Bot. We'll use this window to send a message to the bot.

Discord Community Tools

Next simply enter "mysurgefund", as shown below and it will prompt for your address. Enter the address and the bot will provide your fund details to you as shown.

Discord Surge Fund Bot

You can also message him "surgefund" for a real-time report of SurgeFund progress.

Discord Surge Fund Bot Output

Step 3: claim your bnb

To claim, simply click the claim button and this will initiate a transaction to claim from the pool. Your Wallet App will prompt you to approve this transaction. Approve it and view the TRX Hash to view the status and amount transferred to your wallet.

(The picture below is not a real SurgeFund claim approval, just an example transaction approval for visual aid purposes) I have an actual claim transaction I'll show below.

Trust Wallet Approve

When the transaction succeeds, and you see 0.00 BNB, DONT FREAK OUT. Click "MORE DETAILS" to open the blockchain transaction in bscscan.

BSC Scan Output

Verify the amount of BNB Transferred to Recipient, as you can see, this is, in fact, less than 0.00 BNB but is still an amount of BNB. Wallet apps have a decimal limit, so if the amount you receive is below that threshold, you will need to verify in bscscan the amount you were transferred. Hopefully this picture helps to clarify reading bscscan transactions as well.

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