Last Updated: 2/7/22
Simple answer, Surge tokens do not provide rewards/reflections to the holders.
Each Surge Token utilizes a built in contract exchange system that renounces the need for a traditional liquidity pool. Rather than a liquidity pool pair of the backing asset to the token using a traditional market maker method for exchange and price calculation, both assets are stored within the contract itself.
Each consumer purchase interacts directly with the contract to buy the tokens with SmartChain BNB (BEP20). These contracts are more commonly referred to as "Swapper" Contracts. The SmartChain is routed to the contract address from the holder's wallet, mitigating the need for a Decentralized Exchange (DEx) or Centralized Exchange (CEx). When the contract receives SmartChain, the SmartChain is swapped for the backing asset, and the price value equivalent of new tokens are minted to increase the total supply. These tokens are then sent to the user's wallet address. Selling has the opposing effect of decreasing the total supply and supplying the backing asset to the seller.
The price is not set by the standard market maker protocol. Through the power of mathematics, the developer has found and used a different equation for determining the price and its movement.
Our price is determined by two factors: • Volatility of the Backing Asset in the Contract • XSurge Price Value Equation (Price = Backing Asset in the Contract ÷ Token Total Supply)
Our exchange system is entirely unique from other tokens currently on the market. For this reason, we have coined specific terms by which this exchange system can be referred:
There is a set % tax for both buys and sells. On a buy, new tokens are minted into the total supply. In this example, I'll use 6% as an example. So the Total Supply of Tokens increases and the buyer will receive:
X_Surge - (X_Surge * .06)
94% of the tokens purchased at current value
100% of the BNB used for purchase is swapped for the value equivalent of the backing asset. The backing asset is then routed to the contract pool.
Therefore, in this scenario, if the Asset and Surge quantities were both equal before this transaction, PTR would cause a shift in favor of the backing asset, triggering an increase in the price value of the token.
When tokens are sold back to the contract, the seller pays the same set % tax on the asset they receive. 100% of the tokens sold are then destroyed and completely removed from the total supply. As a result, the Total Supply of Surge decreases, and the seller receives:
X_Surge - (X_Surge * .06)
94% of the Asset is received from the total worth from Tokens sold
So after a sell, the ratio shifts further in favor of the asset in the contract, as more is left in the contract and the token supply decreases. The variant tokens price value is increased further as a result.
With this equation and tax system employed, the variant contracts are programmed to only increase the value of the token to the backing asset in the contract. In the case of non-volatile assets, the price value per token can never decrease, only ever increase as transactions are made. In the case of more volatile assets, volatility may affect the price trend in a downward direction or relent to more upward pressure in a bull run of the backing asset. That being said, the trading of the token may provide a buffer or resistance to negative volatility depending on the degree of increased volume.
The exchange functions employed by these token variants make it so that Surge Tokens are entirely decentralized. There are no Liquidity Pool Pairings that are needed to be locked or controlled by a centralized entity or owner address. The design schematic is engineered in such a way to improve overall functionality, return on investment, and security of investment for the end user.
All owner functions within the contracts are negated with the exception of those that may be used to securely crossover between PCS bridges (v2 > v3). These functions are necessary to protect longevity of the project in the event the current server becomes obsolete. No callable owner functions exist that can negatively affect the contract functionality or value of assets.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
XTrader may be accessed through a Desktop, Android, or Apple device.
All Wallet Applications should have no issues connecting to the DApp through External Browsers or build-in DApps Browsers.
Note: Trust Wallet iOS Users - iOS Device Users will NOT have access to a DApps Browser through Trust Wallet. iOS incorporated a policy change to relinquish use of DApps browsers within all wallet apps in 2021. Because of this, Trust Wallet users must use an external browser to connect to the DApp on iOS cellular devices
Note: Accepted Browers - If any browser is accepted and not listed here or your browser is not accepted, please LET US KNOW. We can resolve this with proper feedback. Reach out to me here through private message or through our discord at XSurge Official Discord
Note: Bug Reporting & Feedback - Please report any issues (with specifics) you have in connecting to the dApp if these steps do not work.
To access the dApp, open an external brower on your device and go to XSurge Website or XSurge dApp
Once loaded, you should see the XTrader Homescreen. Our next steps will be connecting the wallet to Desktop or the Android Device you are using.
We'll outline both methods of connecting below:
Start by clicking the Connect Wallet Icon on the top-right corner of the DApp.
You'll now select the connection method to use. Connection Method will vary depending on your device and/or Wallet Application you are using:
Here's what you'll see depending on what you select...
If you are connecting through a Desktop and have the Browser Extension, Selecting MetaMask will activate the browser extension from a desktop. Simply Follow the steps below to login and connect.
The Next Prompt will just be an approval to connect. Just click connect and you're in.
A QR Code will appear as depicted below. You'll scan this with your phone in a moment. For now, leave it up and go to your Trust Wallet on your phone.
As pictured below:
If you're a MetaMask user, SafePal user, or Trust Wallet User and want to connect from the dApp Browser, Ill outline this below. The picture will only provide visual aid for MetaMask, but it's basically the same for all DApp Browsers. Just go to the DApp Brower to get started.
Metamask users may use the dApp Brower to connect. Follow the steps below to access:
Start by logging in from your android/iOS device and selecting the menu button on the top left of the screen (looks like three parallel horizontal lines)
Follow the steps below:
At this point you should be connected to the dApp and ready to use it.
The remainder of this Tutorial will just be a basic overview of the interface and user functions you'll find within the DApp.
Let's Learn!
The Monitor page is the first page seen when accessing the DApp. Here you'll see a complete holdings report that includes very useful information along with various selection options We've highlighted below. There are two separate sections of information for XSurge Token Holdings and Yield Farm Holdings. Below the picture, We'll outline specifics of this interface.
You can see Token Quantities and Values in both the Underlying Assets and US Dollar read from left to right. Your Total Holding Dollar Value is summed up below each section.
In addition, there is a toggle option to show both your Total Value Gain, calculated Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and Annual Percentage Rate (APY). This toggle also offers your After-Tax value you can expect to receive after selling the assets.
In some cases, the data may delay in updating values by up to one minute. This refresh button allows the user to refresh the data at their discretion.
There are 3 navigation tabs in this App. The first of which is the Monitor page. In the next section, we will cover the other two tabs, Swap and Farm.
Clicking this button will open a window that provides a brief description of the fund to newcomers. This is NOT where you come to make claims from the fund. Since the deployment of SurgeFund v2 Contract, claims from the Fund are made directly from your wallet app (The tutorial for SFv2 claims can be found by reading the "How to Claim and Check Your Claim" article in the SurgeFund section). There are three buttons on this window that deal with SurgeFund:
The Swap page is the heart of XTrader when you can make trades and look for arbitrage opportunity in the ecosystem. There are two tabs on the swapper that we'll cover briefly:
Allows traders to buy, sell, or trade between assets in the ecosystem. The layout is very similar to a typical DEX (like PancakeSwap) in which the "From" asset is chosen in the top field and the "To" asset is chosen in the bottom field.
To explain, at the time of writing this tutorial, SurgeETH and SurgeUSD cannot be traded between XUSD until the developer finishes the trading pools.
So if you select "From" SurgeETH, your only swap option will be SurgeETH to binance-peg ETH. Whereas if you select SurgeBTC, you will be able to swap your SBTC for SADA, SUSLS, XUSD, binance-peg BTC, or native SmartChain BNB. As new trading pools are finished, you will have more options for trading!
Your Balance of holdings for each asset you selected will display on the top-right of each field. The user has the option of manually entering their trade, or selecting "Min", 25%, 50%, 75%, or "Max" of their holdings. Min is 0, Max is the total amount they hold.
The fees you can expect to pay from a given trade. This adds up all associated "Surge" fees from any trade a trader decides to make. Please be aware, this DOES NOT INCLUDE PancakeSwap (PCS) fees (Typically ~.25%) and Gas Fees which vary dependent on Smart Chain network factors.
Price impact refers to the impact a buy or sell will have on a coin's value in a liquidity pool and the amount of Slippage you can expect in a trading pool. The amount impact is significantly determined by the amount of liquidity in a pool and the size of the trade. If a user trades a significant amount into a pool with low liquidity, there will be higher price impact from this trade. Conversely, if I trade into a pool with significantly high liquidity, like XUSD-BNB, price impact will be significantly low.
If the liquidity pool holds 100 assets, and a trader sells 1 of these assets, that trader will face around 1% slippage in the trade.
Note: This is not necessarily a bad thing considering that the SurgeToken Contract values have no price impact! Price impact gives Arbitrage opportunity and consequently leads to increased volume to correct the PCS trading pools price.
Refers to the PCS trading pool value of the asset. External Price is PCS Value whereas Internal Price is Contract Value. External price uses the value in the BNB Trading Pools to determine the US Dollar Value of the token.
XUSD evaluates its contract price (1.13 (Current Value)) times the amount, multiplied by the price of BUSD in BNB
Same for SADA, it evaluates its contract price (-----) times the amount, multiplied by the price of ADA in BNB
Allows traders to Pair Liquidity to receive LP tokens that can be staked for Farm Tokens and adds liquidity to the Trading Pool to reduce Price Impact for trading.
Select a token from this field to pair an asset with XUSD. The options list will change as new assets are added to the ecosystem.
The base asset will always be XUSD. This field pre-populates to match the value of the amount of "Paired Token" a trader selects. LP Tokens represent an EQUAL VALUE pairing of two assets, so you must hold the amount of pre-populated XUSD to create the LP Tokens.
Your Balance of holdings for each asset you selected will display on the top-right of each field. In the "Paired Token" Field only, the user has the option of manually entering their amount to pair, or selecting 25%, 50%, 75%, or "Max" of their holdings. Max is the total amount of the chosen asset they hold.
Enabling tokens simply allows the contract to pair your tokens into liquidity. This only needs to be done once. After you've enabled your tokens the first time, only the "Pair Liquidity" button will be visible and you can pair without enabling from that point forward.
Pairs the "Paired Token" Asset to the "Base Token" Asset to mint new LP tokens. These LP tokens can then be staked into the Farm to mint Farm Tokens specific to the "Paired Token" a Trader selects.
The Farm Page contains Farm Data tools for those that stake into the Yield Farms of XUSD paired assets in the Surge Ecosystem. Farmers can check individual and total farm data for each yield farm and the cumulative Total Rewards distributed and Total Locked Liquidity for all yield farms in our ecosystem.
There are two sections here, dependent on whether you are vested in all farms, some farms, or none of them. "Deposited Farms" is a listing of farms you are currently staked into, whereas "Available Farms" is a listing of those you are not staked into.
Each individual farm displays APY percentages for the farm, rewards you can expect to earn, your current balance, the Total Liquidity staked in this farm, and the Total Rewards that have been given since the farm's deployment.
Clicking on an individual farm opens the set of tools Farmers will use to claim rewards or stake into the pool, or unstake their holdings.
Lets go over some of these tools:
Pending rewards shows you your Current pending rewards from yield farming. Depending on the Farm you are staked in, you may receive just XUSD or a combination of XUSD and another asset. There are two buttons on this page:
Displays how much liquidity you have staked in the pool. You'll notice a slider bar with a button that says "Unstake". Drag the slider across to increase the amount you would like to unstake from the farm and click the button to pull some or all of your holdings from the yield farm.
You current balance in BNB is displayed here along with a field to manually input a value or a slider to select a percentage of your total BNB holdings. Click the "Buy Farm With BNB" Button to stake into the Farm with BNB
If you hold LP Tokens from previously paired liquidity, then they will be shown here. The LP Tokens you hold must be a pairing of XUSD and the Asset of the Farm you are looking at. For instance, holding LP Tokens that are a pairing of SurgeUseless-XUSD will not show up if you are looking at XUSD-BNB Farm data.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
There are currently two methods of purchasing and three methods of selling xSurge Assets:
Purchasing through the xTrader dApp is the second purchase method and is very simple. The steps are outlined below with visual aids:
Go to the xTrader dApp and connect your wallet:
Navigate to the swap page:
For the top "From" field, select BNB
For the bottom "To" field, select the asset you want to buy
If Applicable, enable tokens for trade (tokens have to be enabled once through xTrader to commence trading. Once enabled, you shouldn't see this again.)
Click Swap Button!
The dApp will refresh after a few seconds and you should be able to see your new tokens on the Monitor page.
You can then add the custom token to see the tokens in your wallet. Read the "How to Create & Add Custom Tokens to your Wallet" tutorial for an explanation on how to do this.
The xTrader dAPP is the easiest way to sell your xSurge tokens. Connect to the dApp and navigate the swap page the same way as above. Once on the swap page, in the "From" section dropdown, select the xSurge token you wish to sell. In the "To" section, you will select the backing asset of the xSurge token. For example, if you want to sell xUSD, you would select BUSD. If you want to sell SurgeBTC, you would select BTC, etc.
Note: It is important to select the proper backing asset if you do not want to incur any price impact. Some of the xSurge tokens have liquidity pools and can be sold for the token they are paired with in that pool. These types of sales are subject to price impact and should only be done if you are sure you know what you are doing.
To protect holders, we have put safeguards in place to warn users of a sell that might result in a high price impact percentage.
If a token sale is going to result in more than 5% price impact but less than 10%, there will be a prominent warning on the swap button
If a token sale is going to result in more than a 10% price impact, the swap will not be allowed.
Note: this feature has only been added to one xSurge token and that is xUSD V2
Contract Address:
xUSD V2 has a unique feature where you can send your receiver address (also known as your BEP-20 wallet address) the amount of xUSD V2 tokens that you would like to sell and the xUSD V2 contract will sell your tokens and send you back xUSD's backing asset, which at the time of this writing is Binance Pegged USDT. Here are the steps to do this:
First while in your wallet, select the xUSD token:
Next click send:
Paste your BEP-20 public address (also known as your receiver address) into the recipient field and enter the amount of tokens you want to sell. Click next when done.
If all the information looks correct, click confirm to execute the transaction. Once the transaction is complete, you will need to add the BEP-20 USDT contract address to your wallet to see your tokens.
There is one other method of selling XSurge Tokens. This is not recommended as the goto method as it's not as easy for most to use. We recommend using the xTrader dApp.
In order to sell xSurge Tokens through the contract, there is a different route you need to take to execute the transaction. In buying, we route Smart Chain BNB to the contract address to receive tokens. In selling, the steps are different but it works the same way. Tokens are sent to the contract and the backing asset (BUSD/bETH/bBTC/bADA, etc.) is received at your wallet address. Selling works the same way for all xSurge token variants.
Note: SENDING THROUGH THE NORMAL MEANS (like a buy) WILL NOT RECEIVE THE BACKING ASSET. You must use the "sell" contract function to sell an entered amount of tokens after connecting BSCScan to your wallet.
You'll need to follow these steps:
First, find and copy the contract address of the token you want to sell. All contract addresses can be found on the xSurge assets page.
Next, open a browser on your computer and navigate to BSCScan, paste the contract address into the search field and click the search button.
On the Contract page, click on the Contract tab, then Write Contract, then click on the Connect to Web3 link.
Select Wallet Connect and a QR code will pop up.
Go to your wallet's settings page and click Wallet Connect to scan the QR code.
At this point, allow some time, and a prompt will appear in BSCScan notifying you of some details of the feature. Click OK.
Finally, find the sell function and enter in the amount of tokens you would like to sell. Depending on the amount of decimals the token has you may need to enter additional information. If, the token has 18 decimals, then you will need to add 18 0's after the amount. So an example would be if you wanted to sell 100 xUSD, you would need to put 100000000000000000000. Thats 100 + 18 0's. Other tokens have 9 and some of our original xSurge tokens have 0. You can find the number of decimals on the token page on BSCScan. When you have the correct amount, click "Write", and it will direct the transaction to your wallet app on your phone where you can approve it.
Be sure to increase your gas amount in the transaction confirmation to ensure it goes through if it fails the first time, up to around 1.2 million.
You should be able to do this from a desktop or cell phone. Network traffic may cause difficulty connecting in some cases. Other holders have found that this works much better from a desktop.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
We'll now go over how to add a custom token. The contract addresses can be found at our official webpage for copy/paste (XSurge Website)
First Go to your TrustWallet Homescreen and click the Settings icon on the top right
Scroll to the bottom until you see "Add Custom Token", Click it.
Next, and this is most important, before entering the contract address, YOU MUST SELECT THE NETWORK as SmartChain.
Note: The Default entry for this field is Ethereum. If you do not select SmartChain Network, it will add the wrong custom token and you will not see your tokens appear in your wallet. Our most common complaint has to do with this issue. Follow the steps depicted below.
Next, Go to the official XSurge Webpage (XSurge Website) and retrieve the contract number for the token you are adding. Follow the steps pictured below to do this.
Copy the Contract Number and Paste into the Contract Address field. The remaining fields will autopopulate if you are on the SmartChain Network.
Click Done.
To Add to MetaMask, simply go to Access the DApp and Click the icons highlighted below to automatically add the custom token to your wallet!
Steps to Access the DApp can be found in the "How to use the XTrader DApp: Accessing and Navigating the DApp" tutorial.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
When the farm page opens and loads, click the farm you want to stake in. A drop down of some information and options will appear. We'll be using SurgeUseless in this example.
Scroll until you see a button that says "CLICK TO GET LP TOKENS". Click it, and you'll then be redirected to the Liquidity page to start the Pair Liquidity process.
When you're directed to that swapper page, it may look as though you're swapping on asset to the other. You are not. What you're doing is selecting the amount of SADA that you want to stake in liquidity. The amount of xUSD that it will be paired with will autopopulate below.
(See IMPORTANT Notes and the Picture Shown Below)
IMPORTANT Please note you must hold the prepopulated amount of xUSD in your wallet for this to work. It will use this amount of XUSD to pair with SADA to create LP Tokens.
If you hold no XUSD, you cannot enter the farm by creating LP tokens until you have XUSD to pair it with. Same goes if you hold none of the other asset. You'll need to have equal pair to use this method.
If you have it and can keep going, you'll see the option to enable the tokens below. You must enable to pair. Enabling tokens will be a transaction to sign off on.
After you've enabled, the pair liquidity button will appear, click this button and you'll receive LP tokens. Again, this is registered as a transaction to sign.
Note: You may not see your token balances on the Liquidity page reflect a change. Disregard this. If the transaction succeeds, you will now have LP Tokens in your wallet signifying a pairing of the asset and xUSD.
Once you've gained LP tokens, go back to the farm tab, you'll need to enable the LP tokens to stake them, enable them.
Once the transaction is complete, click Start Farming. You'll now have Farm Tokens and will just need to add the custom token to see them.
Last Updated: 3/1/22
The SurgeFund is XSurge's attempt to pay back the money that was lost in the SurgeBNB hack occurring on August 16th, 2021. Shortly after notifying the community to pull out of the contract due to a security vulnerability, SurgeBNB was exploited for $5M in BNB. The leadership team conducted a thorough investigation to determine the culprit and follow the money trail. Authorities were notified by a legal representative of the XSurge team and outside agencies were were hired to help. Unfortunately, the money could not be tracked and recovered. The team put together a Charitable Donation Fund for everyone who lost the money known as the SurgeFund shortly after.
SurgeBNB was the only Surge Token that was vulnerable to this exploit. The exploit was from an error in the sell() function, which in the event of a sale would send BNB to a user before updating the total supply. With BNB only, a malicious Smart Contract could send it directly back to Surge, allowing them to purchase at a lower price because of the disparity in the totalSupply. This allowed the attacker to mint Septillions of SBNB Tokens. Other Surge Tokens do not trigger this contract functionality, as such no other surge token is vulnerable to this exploit.
Here is the Transaction hash of one of the exploits, this command was ran over ten times in under 60 seconds: Transaction Hash
SurgeFund V3 has been released and The intent here is to payback using a snowball method since such a high number of hack victims lost less than 1 BNB in Surge when the hack occurred. Calculating the brackets, 83% lost between .0 and 5 BNB.
Paying down these brackets at a faster rate will yield more payoffs and result in faster percentage increases for the higher tier brackets. The lowest Tier (Tier 1: less than .1) BNB will have auto airdrops of tokens to prevent any gas cost or need to claim. Here are the brackets:
Tiers 2-5 will still need to make claims under their specified contract. The allocations of Surgefund tax is split in near equal amounts that are influenced to higher percentage yield based on size. The difference between the tiers that get the most can be as much as 10%. So in essence, if the tier has the most victims, they can receive as much as 10% more than the tiers with the least victims. This is algorithmically coded into the contract to create the snowball affect.
Here are the details for the new Surge Fund V3 token:
The percentage a tier receives is hardcoded until complete payback of the highest yield tier, at which time the tier becomes deleted from the list. The percentages then algorithmically reset themselves again in accordance to victim count.
In addition, we've utilized XUSD in its rising value to facilitate payback rather than BNB which is extremely volatile and can slow the rate of payback as it increases in value. The amount each person will receive will be their total dollar value lost in the hack plus 1%. So if you lost $100 in total from the hack, you are owed $101 in total. The contract tracks this value in BUSD so the dollar amount you are owed will remain the same. The payback or claimed currency can be BUSD or XUSD at the claimers discretion. Check the XSurge DApp and select SurgeFund button at the bottom of the screen to toggle between BUSD or XUSD. Upon claiming, the victim will receive BUSD or XUSD, depending on what they chose to receive.
Studies show that the snowball method is the best most efficient way to scale down a debt, so we've adopted this method in an effort to facilitate faster payback. The treasury, governance, and loan services to be integrated will also yield more funding and allow for a higher rate of revenue to the fund as its adopted and used in the space.
Through the dApp: See SurgeFund Tutorial: How to Claim & Check Your Claim
Through the Contract: visit SurgeFund Page
Last Updated: 2/7/22
The SurgeFund contract pool of BNB used to pay back the vicims of the Surge BNB hack. The minimum that can be claimed is .002 BNB. The maximum claim is the total that you are owed. This works for both TrustWallet and Metamask users.
Here is how this works. As contributions are made through transactions and donations, the contract will automatically distribute claims to the victims in the form of SurgeFund Tokens. The victims can then claim these tokens in the form of BNB by simply routing the tokens to their own BEP20 receive address. As you receive tokens, your amount owed goes down, and so too does the total debt.
These claims stack. Since you are receiving constant tokens through contributions, there are no percentages of a sum total in a pool. You may wait as long as you like to claim and the rewards will only keep piling up over time.
The claims are split in proportion to what you are owed. Every contribution to the fund is split between holders. This means that is you lost the most, you have the most claim, if you lost the least, you have the least claim. If you are owed 10% of the total debt, you receive 10% of every contribution.
The minimum claim has increased. The minimum claim has gone up to prevent claims costing higher gas. The increase is now .002. Originally, it was .00005. This should stop holders from paying higher gas cost than the claims they receive.
There is no time restraint. The last fund was every 24 hours, and a victim may claim from the pool. Upon claiming, they must wait until the claims reset. Now, if you have rewards, you may always feel free to claim them whenever you like.
We'll start by accessing the dApp and connecting our wallet to initiate a claim:
A QR Code will appear as depicted below. You'll scan this with your phone in a moment. For now, leave it up and go to your Trust Wallet on your phone.
As shown below, from the homescreen on your wallet app:
You should now be connected through the PC
Review the Picture Below. To start, go to the dApp and click Connect Wallet:
Disclaimer: Accessing and connecting to the dApp on Android and iOS devices is slightly different between the two. YOU MUST abide by these steps for connection to work:
For iOS users, you will need to use your phones external browser.
Android Users must use dApps Browser to connect through their Wallet App.
The steps are the same for both, however, there is an extra step for connecting through dApps browsers (Android User Only) that will be included in this tutorial. iOS Users can ignore this step of selecting the SmartChain Network.
Now that we're connected, you can make your first claim. On the XTrader Homescreen, you'll see various features for buying, selling, and datatracking your assets.
On the bottom of the screen, you'll see the SurgeFund Button pictured below. Click this button.
A description should appear along with a claim button (Pictured Below). The amount shown in the claim button is your current claim in BNB that you are currently entitled to.
You need to verify this amount. If your claim is extremely low and the gas cost for a claim transaction would be higher than your current claim, then wait. Claiming now would not be worth it. As described in Section 1, your claim will increase over time, just wait until the claim increases before making another attempt.
In addition to the XTrader, we have other ways of verifying claims as well. In our Discord we have the absolute best tools for doing so. You can join our discord at this link: XSurge Official Discord
In our Discord, under "Community Tools & Resources" locate and click or press on the profile pic of the SurgeFund Tracker Bot. We'll use this window to send a message to the bot.
Next simply enter "mysurgefund", as shown below and it will prompt for your address. Enter the address and the bot will provide your fund details to you as shown.
You can also message him "surgefund" for a real-time report of SurgeFund progress.
To claim, simply click the claim button and this will initiate a transaction to claim from the pool. Your Wallet App will prompt you to approve this transaction. Approve it and view the TRX Hash to view the status and amount transferred to your wallet.
(The picture below is not a real SurgeFund claim approval, just an example transaction approval for visual aid purposes) I have an actual claim transaction I'll show below.
When the transaction succeeds, and you see 0.00 BNB, DONT FREAK OUT. Click "MORE DETAILS" to open the blockchain transaction in bscscan.
Verify the amount of BNB Transferred to Recipient, as you can see, this is, in fact, less than 0.00 BNB but is still an amount of BNB. Wallet apps have a decimal limit, so if the amount you receive is below that threshold, you will need to verify in bscscan the amount you were transferred. Hopefully this picture helps to clarify reading bscscan transactions as well.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
XUSD is pegged to the US Dollar by utilizing BUSD as its underlying asset. This will make xUSD more of a stable coin with the same attributes as other surge tokens. You will be able to buy/sell xUSD through the token itself just like every other surge, but we will also launch XUSD on PancakeSwap, initially paired with BNB. Pairing xUSD with other Assets in liquidity will allow xUSD to benefit from that Asset going up or down in price. When BNB goes up 0.5% or down 1% xUSD will be traded against it to keep the price reflective of its real world value. Day Traders / Arbitrage Traders will be able to profit off of this structure. The token will have the traditional XSurge price gain algorithm employed but will serve its extended purpose as an intermediary token between all existing Surge Variant tokens. Staking Liquidity for XUSD will be highly incentivized via reduced taxation + Passive XUSD Dividends. The more XUSD staked in different trading pools, the more Arbitrage (TX Volume) it will gain. We are starting with the XUSD - BNB Pool, but will be adding new trading pools over time and allow their Liquidity Providers to receive passive income
Last Updated: 2/7/22
XUSD will benefit the Surge Ecosystem as being its primary intermediary asset. In its use-case as an intermediary token, with XUSD, traders can swap from one asset to the other and play the market for profit or swap in preference to another asset. To encourage the exploration of this feature, XUSD fees will be extremely low making arbitrage trading highly appealing for investors. The maximum net loss from fees alone will be 1%.
Here’s the fee breakdown:
A portion of these fees will be allocated toward paying those who provide + lock their liquidity tokens across the various xUSD pools. The more liquidity pools xUSD is paired with, the more trading pairs exist, and the more xUSD benefits from Global Crypto Volatility.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
XUSD will have another Utility as an underlying asset. With such low fees, one could pair a new or existing token with XUSD instead of BNB on Pancakeswap, making it so the volatility of BNB does not negatively impact their token, and instead their token will be slowly appreciating alongside XUSD! For example, if there is XUSD in a Pool with any random Token, and XUSD goes up 10% in value, if there are no buys/sells into that pool it will bring the price of the Random Token up 10% with it.
As BitCoin or other major assets have downward or upward market trends, holders will be more encouraged to stake into XUSD to take advantage of higher value opportunities and hedge against risk. This will significantly boost transaction volume for all assets tethered to it; thereby increasing the price value of each asset. This transaction volume to correct the price, can originate from hobbyist day traders, crypto trading bots, and even centralized exchanges! The more liquidity in a pool, the more transaction volume needed to correct the price differences!
Last Updated: 2/7/22
What is Yield Farming you ask? Yield Farming is simply a way to gain rewards from staking liquidity. From the date of launch onward, those that choose to participate will be able to Purchase/Stake xUSD and BNB into PancakeSwap, but their Liquidity Pool Tokens will be locked away for three months. This operation is completely tax free and mints you “Farm Tokens” (LP Tokens) that signify a pairing of XUSD/BNB. As long as you hold these Farm Tokens and do not withdraw your liquidity, you will be able to Claim xUSD weekly from the Yield Farming Contract. This XUSD comes from the buy/sell/transfer tax taken.
LP Tokens are a token that signifies the pairing of two assets. Typically, traditional tokens are a single cryptocurrency that can be paired with something else in liquidity to give it value. To create a liquidity pool, the pairing of two assets can be given a name to make said pairing an entity. For example 100 XUSD paired with 10 BNB is equal to 1 “Farm Token”, a singular token that represents the pairing.
When LP Tokens are locked, Farm Tokens are minted to the locker. Farm Tokens can be sold for the underlying LP Tokens, they can also extract their share of Liquidity Tax Free if desired as long as the tokens have been locked for at least 90 days. As long as the LP is locked the buyer will be able to claim XUSD dividends weekly from the Yield Farm Contract. After 90 days or whenever the buyer decides to unlock his LP tokens, he will be able to withdraw an equal amount of XUSD and BNB. If Farm Tokens are redeemed for the underlying liquidity, the user is no longer able to claim rewards in XUSD. You may only claim XUSD Dividends weekly if you have Liquidity Locked in a Yield Farm Contract.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
Last Updated: 2/7/22
XUSD can be paired with anything as an underlying asset. As an underlying asset that continues to appreciate with volume, it can add significant capital growth to an investor's holdings. XUSD will be able to pair with and transfer between any asset, allowing for even more arbitrage opportunities as a trader. XUSD is a stable-yet appreciating underlying asset to which an investor can base the wealth of their token on, offering significant capital growth over time and volume from having XUSD represent the Token's store of value.
Last Updated: 4/6/22
Last Updated: 4/6/22
Last Updated: 2/7/22
The Binance Ecosystem runs on two parallel blockchains - BNB(Binance Chain) and BSC (Binance Smart Chain). BNB and BSC can be swapped 1:1 for a small fee. BSC enables "Smart Contracts" within the Surge Ecosystem
Last Updated: 2/7/22
Contract approvals let a wallet/contract move your tokens on your behalf. This can be incredibly dangerous if you are unsure of the contents of the contract. Clearing them on bscscan on a semi-regular basis is important to stay safe. Follow the steps below to revoke them.
Navigate to the token approval checker page on bscscan: Token Approval Checker
Enter your BEP-20 public wallet address in the input field and click the search button.
After you have found your wallet. Click on the Connect To Web3 button. This will connect your wallet to bscscan and allow you to revoke the approvals.
Once connected, click on the blue revoke button next to each contract you wish to revoke approval access. This will cost a small fee for each transaction.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
TrustWallet's payment processor, Simplex, often has trouble with processing BNB transactions. This can occur when there is liquidity issues with BNB or if Binance is having issues. When this happens, you cannot purchase through TrustWallet. You will either need to wait for Simplex or you will have to purchase BNB elsewhere and transfer it over to TrustWallet.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
In simple terms, a liquidity pool is essentially a "pool" of tokens.
Liquidity pools can be considered the "order book" of decentralized exchanges. They run on a series of algorithms and they're automated. With liquidity pools, one can simply buy from the "pool" of tokens -- your buy order doesn't have to match a sell order and vice versa.
Centralized exchanges (market makers) use order book models -- your buy order matches a sell order and vice versa in order to process.
Pancakeswap is an automated market maker (AMM). An AMM is essentially an decentralized exchange that is powered by a series of algorithms. It allows users to purchase tokens from liquidity pools using an automated system.
Liquid refers to an asset that can be bought or sold. "Liquidity" refers to the availability of a certain asset.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
Gas fees are paid to cover the cost of a transaction.
The fee is a reflection of the amount of computing power/energy that is required to process each transaction.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
There have been lots of reports of people getting random tokens added to their wallets. These are what's known as dusting attacks. We'll provide a brief summary of what these are but the short and sweet is DO NOT TOUCH OR MOVE THESE TOKENS. Simply hide them from view in your wallet and forget they are there.
Brief Summary: Dusting attacks are small amounts of coin deposited to a user in an effort to find out who you are. The attacker analyzes transactions accross wallets to identify source companies and individuals. Since dusting attacks rely on a combined analysis of multiple addresses, if a dust fund is not moved, attackers aren't able to make the connections they need to "deanonymize" the wallets.
There's also a kind of dusting attack on the Binance Chain, in which they sent tiny amounts of crypto to multiple addresses, leaving a link to a malicious website in the transaction Memo. Be careful! This is a scam. Read the link below for more information. Binance Academy - Dusting Attacks
This is how they get you: MinereumBSC,, and are common dusting attacks that We've found to be the common denominator in community reports of theft of their crypto. Those reports involve the theft of all of their holdings.
We decided to investigate this deeper and ended up doing some research on MinereumBSC specifically. This led us to investigate the contracts (which were encrypted or unavailable for review on the blockchain), and the website listed for the token.
NOTE: Out of suspicion, we made sure to do this under conditions that wouldn't leave me vulnerable to an attack. Immediately on opening the webpage, my Antivirus tipped me off to 8 separate fraudulent transaction attempts that led to this writeup. Do not try this at home.
We recommend to everyone:
Lastly, ALWAYS verify contract addresses to officially released announcements before starting, in the middle of entering, and before confirming (triple verification) any transactions.
These safe practices take a bit of extra time, but it would save a lot of people money if they were followed like their livelihood depended on it.
Last Updated: 2/7/22
It is best to make certain you have these settings active for your account
In the event of a sim swap hack, it should mitigate unauthorized entry. In addition, educate yourselves on dusting attacks which are a very frequent occurrence in blockchain.
As always:
Absolutely NO ONE across any social media platforms or tech support will ask for your seed phrase, wallet number, or request a walletconnect.
Be extremely careful what details you disclose about yourself on social media. Be especially wary of clicking links that you are not familiar with. If any link you see is a address, consider it a hack. If any crypto related techsupport sends you a link, automatically assume its a walletconnect. Don't click it. You'll see these scam accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and third-party phishing sites everywhere. Most importantly, when using trust wallet, DON'T EVER leave DApps connected to your wallet. Always disconnect.
If you are dusted, DO NOT TOUCH IT. To learn more about dusting attacks check the "Trust Wallet Safety - Random Tokens in your Wallet?" section
If you even think your phone is getting hacked, immediately disconnect yourself from the internet by activating Airplane Mode, shut down the device and reboot in safemode. Go into your downloads and apps and delete anything suspicious. We strongly recommend getting a good anti-virus.
Lastly, and by far, the best mitigation tactic you can do in my opinion, is to completely rid yourself of the Trust Wallet app. Use BSCScan tags to track your personal wallet number and view balances from the blockchain. This ensures that both your device and the app itself are completely removed from the equation until you are ready to sell. You will need your seed phrase on hand to recover your wallet when you are ready to access, so BE SURE TO BACKUP. Save your seed phrase somewhere safe. You can follow the guidlines of this support link to both access and save your backup: Trust Wallet Community